Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has asked Beta Technologies to explore the possibilities of Avatol in the Indian market.
Aviation World: In the coming times, airplanes can fly without a long run-way. This technology is being used abroad. Now the Government of India has also started work to bring it to the country. In fact, Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, who recently visited the US and Canada, has directed to explore the possibilities of Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing (Avtol) in the country. The government has asked the makers of the electric Avtoll aircraft to explore the possibilities of setting up infrastructure for such aircraft as well as looking at bringing them to the domestic market.
Scindia invited many companies to India
In this regard, Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has asked Beta Technologies to explore the possibilities of Avatol in the Indian market. The company has a partnership with Blade Group. Scindia said on Wednesday that he has invited some companies to come and explore the possibilities of such aircraft in the Indian market. He had discussed the prospects of the Indian aviation sector with several companies in the region during his recent visits to the US and Canada.
Vertical take-off and landing (Avtole) does not require long runways for an airplane, airtaxi or drone to take off or land. The aircraft prepared with this technology can do vertical take-off and landing. The best example of this is helicopters, but F35B fighter jets are also doing this with an aircraft carrier. It is noteworthy that usually long runways are used for takeoff and landing of aircraft at airports, but this is not the case at Avtoll. The landing of all these things at this airport will be vertical. That is, airplanes, drones or air taxis will all land straight from top to bottom. So there will be no need for runway. For all these flights, a centralized point has been made like an airport, which is called Vertiport. This technology can be used on a large scale in the operation of small aircraft.
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